I was scrolling through Illumination Publishers looking at new books to buy, and I came across some authors I personally knew. I thought it was cool that they had their own books and it inspired me to revisit my work in progress. Reading through my draft of Sparrows and Lilies, I was pleasantly surprised by what I had written. God is funny because what I wrote was ironically what I was feeling and going through this month. Two weeks ago I was asked to share my testimony for a recorded service with Hawaii. I was excited but also insecure. I never really liked sharing my testimony because I felt like my story wasn't significant, so rereading my own draft about how important our past is felt like God was sending me encouragement. It's also funny because I'm currently reading Lysa Terkeurst's book It's Not Supposed to Be This Way, and in the previous chapter she goes through the same thing. Lysa goes through a traumatic event and days later she had to read through her final draft of a book she was working on. How cool is it to write something expecting to help others, but God uses it again to help you? Anyways, this is a random blogpost but I wanted to post a snippet of the first chapter. I'm still unraveling my past and healing from pains, but so much has already grown from the broken pieces I've handed to God.